To whom it may concern,

On November 3-4, 1995 the student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery at the University of Illinois held the first annual Midwestern ACM Chapter Conference. The conference was a resounding success, thanks to the support of student, faculty, corporate contacts and our keynote speaker, Steve Wozniak. In addition to the variety of talks and the programming contest given at the conference, we held a computing employment fair, attended by eleven corporations and around 150 student members from across the midwest.

This year, we are planning to hold the second annual conference on October 11-13, 1996. At the suggestion of the companies involved last year, we have decided to make the computing employment fair a whole-day event on Friday, October 11. The employment fair is targeted at careers in computing-related fields, to be attended by both University of Illinois students at large and conference participants from throughout the midwest.

One reason we have opted to expand the employment fair so vastly is that the Engineering Expo recruiting fair has been scheduled for the third day of classes for the Fall semester, which is too early for most students to prepare resumeŽs. We need your help to fund the conference and keep student admission costs low. We ask that corporations attending the employment fair donate $200 to help cover the costs of the fair and the conference; corporations donating in excess of $500 will become "Official Conference Sponsors", receiving top billing on ACM@UIUC's web server, which receives over 80,000 hits per day and optimal placement in the employment fair. All participating companies will have full access to conference events.

Enclosed is a registration form for the Employment Fair. You can also register online at If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me via email at or by voice at (217)333-5828.


David Morgan ACM@UIUC 1996/97 Chair

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