R | P 98

           -Speaker Information




Pitfalls in Real Time Operating System Design - John Greenland


Today's mission-critical real-time systems are more complex than ever. Operating systems that support these real-time systems must deliver both fast, predictable, real-time response and facilitate the production, execution, and testing of reliable code that won't crash in the field. We will examine the design decisions and tradeoffs associated with meeting these two criteria while producing a robust, production quality real-time operating system.

Topics will include:

  • Internal design of the OS
  • Debugging of the OS and application code
  • Dealing with hardware issues
  • Specification of the Application Programming Interface(API)
  • Testing and supporting an installation base
  • Integration with third party products


Mr. Greenland graduated from the University of California at Irvine in 1988 with a B.Sc. in Computer Science. After a stint at a small defense company developing real-time simulation systems, he joined a succession of compiler companies, including Verdix Corporation and Rational Software, developing Ada and C compilers, debuggers and development tools. For the last few years Mr. Greenland has served as a senior member of the engineering staff at Green Hills Software developing Ada compilers, processor simulators, and more recently real-time operating systems.

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Last updated 09.19.98 by Valerie Franek, franek@uiuc.edu.